Sunday, August 16, 2009


Oregn Beavers

The Oregnon Beavers are a surpise recent in they winned on USC and winned bowl game and winned game on but not Oregon to go Rose Bowl in Civil War. I dont understand Civl War. Is it rival game? I thgjht loser UW fanbase say Oregon is rival and WSU not rival so why Oregn State get titled rival game and UW -WSU is Apple Cup. If UW and Oregon D*cks are rival they not want schedle oficlan name and sponsored by Geico? Also why is called Civil WAr? If I not mistake from what I learn the Civicl War took place like 300 years ago in Goergia and Alabam to end slavery and Abraham Lincin who want unitify the Amerca go to make Union and Confederation togeter. But I readed they South wanted to succeed but Presedent Linkin lauched air assult to blockade they uprisein but if not no make sense becaue why wish like that? If they want to succeed or make life beter then why not becaue he is a comunist thas why. Just like Oregon Universityuy with they liberal doctinres. Also the Beavers have a good coach in Mike Riely. Jaquiz Roper is a fast but unstrong running back who can run forward and even backwards but the ofeensice line is lose three starter also and the defend is good with hard hiitting but dirty player in Al Alfalava . I thinn they can win but not as good but they are still terible.

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